Pebble Smartwatch Pre-Orders Shipping Soon


If you’re familiar with Kickstarter, I’m sure you know that backers receive any product they funded first, prior to the product being released to the public, and the same is true of the long awaited Pebble Smartwatch.

Pebble announced that all of the backers, who paid more than the RRP, should have received their Pebble Smartwatches by now. The next set of pre-ordered Smartwatches to go out, are to the people who paid the retail price, following the first Kickstarter funding time.

It was obvious from the beginning that the Pebble Smartwatch was going to be a huge success, gathering over $10 million in funding from over 68,000 backers in its Kickstarter campaign. However, it looks like Pebble may have some competition – the AGENT Smartwatch is the most recent developments in the smartwatch industry, promising a new form of processing and battery technology.

The smartwatch industry is just another opportunity for the major technology players, to showcase smartwatch concepts of its own – we’ve already seen leaked images of Samsung, Sony and Apple’s takes on a smartwatch.

If you’re reading this and thinking you want to get your hands on a Pebble, it’s still available for pre-order for $150 in a wide selection of colors on their website – you can go straight there by hitting the source link below.