Google Play Store To Offer New Shipping Services [Rumor]


Have you ever ordered a product from the Google Play Store? If so, I’m sure you were outraged by the shipping fees and disappointed with the restricted shipping options. The only shipping option available at present is 1-2 business days, for a fee ranging between $5.99 and $13.99 – depending on the product you’re purchasing.

However, it looks like Google is gearing up to introduce some new shipping options.

According to an anonymous source, the new shipping options should be arriving some time this week — possibly tomorrow. It is rumored that the first new shipping option will be 2 day shipping via UPS (this includes 2 days processing the order and 2 days for delivery).

The second new shipping option will be saver delivery (this includes 2 days processing the order and 5-10 days for delivery); obviously this will be the cheapest shipping option, if not free. The final new shipping option will be ground delivery (this includes 2 days processing and 3-5 days for delivery).

There are no set prices for the new shipping options — in actual fact, the overall shipping cost is calculated depending on the shipping option selected, the weight of the item and the cost of the selected item.

It’s all well and good that a saver shipping option has been added for people who don’t want to pay the overwhelmingly large shipping fees, however, saver shipping is not available for all orders — the availability is determined based on the weight of the order.

The source also suggested that the Nexus family of products will only be liable for the 2-day shipping option, but does this mean the accessories for the Nexus devices will not be shipped via other shipping options?