Android 4.3 Spotted Lurking In The Wild


I’m sure if you’re an Android fan like me, you’re anxiously waiting for Google to reveal its latest technology and software at Google I/O this year. We’ve been hearing an awful lot of rumors that Google will be revealing its latest version of its Android OS, but it may not be 5.0 Key Lime Pie.

Many sources and signs have pointed towards the next Android OS being Key Lime Pie, and rumors have shown and displayed the OS to be Android 5.x.x. Even though the speculation is spreading at a rapid rate, it’s safe to say that Google will be showing off a new version of Android, later on at the conference this year – however another rumor is emerging suggesting that the latest OS won’t be stable enough for prime time by then.

Artem Russakovskii of Android Police received a tip off suggesting that the new operating system won’t be ready for prime time, and that Google were working on an updated version of their current Jelly Bean operating system. After some digging, Arten discovered that Google is working on Android 4.3, more specifically, build JWR23B.

Many sources have suggested that Key Lime Pie is going to be a major software update, changing just about every aspect of the Android operating system, I am almost certain that Google will require a lot more time to work out all of the kinks, to have the software pretty much spotless for public release. This makes a lot of sense considering Google’s annoucement at I/O last year, suggesting that they will be slowing down the production of software, to release a major revision to Android.

It is proving to be more than likely that Android 4.3 is what we’re going to see at I/O in just a few weeks, however this could mean the release and implementation of loads of new features – just like Android 4.1 brought to the table! We might even see Babel hitting our Android devices – how exciting?