iPhone Users Account For Two Thirds Of Smartphone Video Watching


If you love to watch videos on your smartphone to kill time, odds are, you own an iPhone. For some reason Android users don’t watch nearly as much video on their smartphones as iOS users, even though Android has more marketshare.

The Web video company Ooyala, published a report today that showed over two-thirds of mobile video was watched an iPhone, while Android only watched the other third.

Even though Ooyala doesn’t have access to all the Web’s video everywhere, the company services over 200 million unique viewers worldwide, so they’ve got a pretty good idea on the way people watch video.

It’s interesting that even though Android has matured as a platform and has many of the same software and hardware features as iOS, Android owners use their device very differently from iPhone owners. Does that say something about the type of people that buy Android phones, or is there something about the OS that makes people less inclined to waste hours watching Harlem Shake videos? Let us hear your thoughts in the comments.