These Original Android Logo Mascots Were Creepy, But Cute


On social network, Google+, Google developer Dan Morrill posted his designs for the original Android mascot, from the days when Android was as yet a concept, not a reality.

The team was preparing for an internal launch for developers to get a look at the API, and Morrill, then a developer relations guy, needed some visuals to populate his slides with. He created the above robot-men to illustrate Android.

They had a brief flurry of minor popularity amongst the team — enough to pick up the nickname “Dandroids”, anyway. But then +Irina Blok (as I recall) presented her work: the bugdroid we all know and love. Funny how the professional work is of vastly higher quality than the amateur, isn’t it? 😉 Even so, these guys have the distinction of being the first proposed mascots for Android (that I’m aware of, at least.)

Morrill was cleaning up a server that he uses at Google, and found these image files. He posted them to Google+ and there you have it. While we can’t say they aren’t cute, they certainly haver a bit of the creepy factor thrown in, especially with those whirly, spiral eyes. Yikes!