Hey Look, Now Samsung Is Copying Apple By Releasing Crappy Commercials [Poll]

You didn’t think Samsung was going to idly sit by and watch as Apple took home the award for crappiest commercials of 2012, did you? After Apple released its Genius commercials, which were anything but, Samsung went straight to the drawing board, which coincidentally happens to be the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1.

With the help of the Green Goblin’s son, Samsung aimed to outdoodoo its competition with a commercial that’s either advertising a brothel, or the side effects of smoking marijuana. Either way, I’d much rather chew my arm off, than have to watch these videos again.


Now for a poll. Who would you say deserves to take home the CLIO for “worst commercial spot of 2012”: Apple’s “anything but Genius” commercial, or Samsung’s “James Franco has the munchies” spot? Vote now!

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